HTML & Text Editors
I'm going to be including on this page anything that is related to HTML editing, including HTML editors, text editors, convertors, wizards, and other useful tools and utilities for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix/Linux.
HTML Editors
Commercial Web Development Suites ($100 or over)
These are higher priced commercial Web development suites and environments.
- Adobe Dreamweaver ($399). Probably the most popular Web site design program, orginally created by Macromedia before being purchased by Adobe. Free trial version available. Subscription: $19.99/month (one-year) and $29.99/month (month-to-month). Windows and Macintosh.
- NetObjects Fusion ($199). "Build websites like a pro. You have complete creative control. Use simple drag and drop interfaces, and no coding knowledge required." Also available is NetObjects Fusion Essentials (free), which is billed as an "HTML generator".
- Freeway Pro by SoftPress ($229). Bills itself as an "HTML generator." Also available is Freeway Express ($69).
- MacFlux ($129.99). For designing XHTML and CSS Web sites. MacOS X (10.4.9 or higher, G5 or Intel Duo Core recommended).
Less Expensive HTML Editors (Under $100)
These are less expensive HTML editing programs.
- HTML Assistant Pro 2000 by Brooklyn North ($99). Includes a step-by-step tutorial that shows how to build a simple Web page in only a few minutes.
- CoffeeCup HTML Editor ($69). "You can create new HTML or CSS files from scratch, or get a jumpstart on a pro design by launching a new project from an existing theme or layout."
- CoffeeCup Web Editor ($69). See above.
- PageSpinner by Optima System ($29.95). Built-in FTP support, customizable syntax color-coding of JavaScript, PHP, Cascading Style Sheets, support for Server Side Includes, integration with Apache and the Terminal in OS X. Includes free registration of MacSpinner and CamSpinner.
- BBEdit by Bare Bones Software ($49.99). HTML and text editor.
- GoodPage ($99). HTML and CSS editor. MacOS X (10.3 or higher).
Freeware and Shareware HTML Editors
These are free and shareware HTML editing programs.
- Arachnophilia by Paul Lutus. Successor to WebThing. A Java-based program that will run on any platform supporting Java. Author calls this "careware," saying he wants "anything except money" in payment. For instance, you could promise to stop whining for a week, or to donate to your local food bank.
- Nvu. Free open source WYSIWYG HTML editor to rival Dreamweaver. Linux, Windows, and Macintosh.
- Komodo Edit. Free multi-language Code Editor. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Komodo IDE (21-day trial) also available.
- Microsoft Expression Web 4 (free). Formerly part of Microsoft Expression Studio ($149), which is no longer available. Expression Web 4 "is a full-featured professional tool for designing, developing, and publishing compelling, feature-rich websites that conform to web standards." See also Expression Design 4, also free for download, under Image Editors.
- First Page 2000 by Evrsoft. A WYSIWYG HTML editor that vows never to ruin your code or add unwanted HTML codes. Includes 450+ JavaScripts/VBScripts, re-usable DHTML scripts, 6 JavaScript Wizards, 20+ CGI/Perl/Htmlscripts. Creates JavaScript roll-over buttons and supports Flash 4/Shockwave/Java/ActiveX. Complete web building reference, spell checker, thesaurus, special/extended character list. The "Standard" version is free. $59.95 for the "Pro" version.
- HTML NotePad by Cranial Software (Free). This is one of my favorite "Notepad-like" HTML editors.
- PageBreeze HTML Editor. Free for personal use.
- HTML Builder by FLFSoft. Freeware.
- KompoZer. Freeware. "Complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing."
- BlueFish. GNU GPL freeware. Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Tru64.
- Quanta. Full-feature open source Web development environment. Requires the latest version of KDE. Linux.
Text Editors
You don't need an HTML editor to create and edit HTML files. HTML files are just simple text files, so if you know enough HTML to write your own code, all you need is a simple text editor, such as Windows Notepad, for instance.
- TextPad by Helios Software Solutions (16.50 British Pounds, approx. $27.00). Notepad on steroids. Just right for the diehard handcoder who wants complete and total control over the HTML coding process. Features include: no file size limit, line numbering, spell checker, auto word wrap, keystroke macro recorder, sorting, multi-file search/replace, multiple windows.
- NoteTab by Fookes Software. A combination text and HTML editor. Available in three versions: NoteTab Pro ($29.95), NoteTab Standard ($19.95), and NoteTab Lite (freeware). Windows.
- EditPad Lite by JGsoft. Free for non-commercial use. For additional features, EditPad Pro ($49.95) is available, offering syntax coloring, bookmarks, spell checker, sorting, and more.
- Crimson Editor. Features syntax highlighting (for HTML, C/C++, Perl, Java, Matlab, and LaTex), macros, spell checker, find/replace, bookmarking, and more. Freeware.
- Tex-Edit Plus by Trans-Tex Software ($15). A text editor that fills the gap between Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word processor. Shareware.
- TextWrangler by Bare Bones Software. Freeware.
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HTML Convertors
- R2Net by Logitran. RTF to HTML and XML convertor. $69.95. Windows, Macintosh, Linux/Intel, and Solaris.
- HTML Express by Logitran. Word/RTF to HTML. $69.95. Windows and Macintosh.
- RTFtoHTML by IrekSoftware. Utility that converts RTF (Rich Text Format) files to HTML files. Freeware.
- DB-HTML Converter Pro by PrimaSoft PC ($103). Converts multiple database formats (from Dbase, Paradox, Fox Pro, MS Access, DB2, Informix, InterBase, MS SQL, Oracle, Sybase,) to HTML files. Good tool for publishing databases online.
- AscToHTM. Converts text files to HTML Web pages. Recognizes headings, bulleted lists, emphasis, tables, URLs, and more. $30 retail. Windows.
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Automated Page Creators/Wizards
- CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer. Create Web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge. Drag and drop images or text. Over 70 Web Page Templates. Built-in button and background creators, and other image creation tools. $49 retail. Windows.
- EZGenerator. Over 3000 web template variations (each fully customisable) and an intuitive Wizard interface. Create a blog, maintain a newsletter, and more. $99 retail. Windows.
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HTML to ASCII Code Strippers/Convertors
- HTML Stripper. Freeware. Windows.
- Detagger. HTML to text convertor and markup remover. $29.95 retail. Macintosh.
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Link Testers, Validation Tools, and Other Utilities
- Broken Links / URLs Checker by Tools Seek (Free). Very handy online tool that checks for broken links, reporting them in a table format, and allowing export to an Excel spreadsheet.
- CyberSpyder Link Test by Aman Software ($45). Checks the links of your web site to see if they are still good.
- CSE HTML Validator ($69 for Standard, $129 for Pro). Run an HTML validator from your own desktop, rather than using an online validator. Validates HTML, XHTML, and CSS; checks PHP, links, spelling, accessibility, and SEO. Includes HTML/XHTML and CSS editor.
- Web Link Validator by REL Software ($145 to 3,000 links; $295 to 7,000 links; $495 to 25,000 links; etc.). Also provides Link Checker Lite, which is free (but limited to a small site with up to 1,000 links).
- Link Checker Pro. Starts at $75 (up to 5,000 pages checked).
- HTML Toolbox by NetMechanic. Checks for bad links and HTML errors, automatically repairs pages. Starts at $60 per URL/year (1-100 pages).
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Search and Replace Utilities
A good search and replace utility can be a big help when creating Web pages using a text editor.
- Search and Replace 98. Replace multiple lines, recurse directory structure, case sensitive replacement. Freeware. Windows.
- TextPipe by DataMystic (Lite $29.95; Standard $199; Pro $395). Looks through multiple files for a string and replaces it with another string. For "Lite" product, select Downloads, More, and then Downloads again, and All Downloads.
- HandyFile Find and Replace by SilverAge Software. $34.45 (home use) and $49.45 (office use).
- WildEdit by the makers of TextPad (8.50 GB Pounds, approx. $13.60).
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