Miscellaneous Software Tools
Look here for links to miscellaneous programs and utilities that are useful to web publishers.
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FTP Software
- FileZilla. Free open source FTP software. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux/Unix.
- CuteFTP by GlobalSCAPE. $39.99 (Home), $59.99 (Pro), and $39.99 (Mac Pro). Windows and Macintosh.
- CoffeeCup Free FTP. Free.
- Core FTP. Free (LE) and $34.95 (Pro).
- Free FTP Manager. Free.
- FTP Surfer. Free.
- FTP Voyager by Rhino Software. $39.95.
- WS_FTP by Ipswitch. $39.95 (Home) and $54.95 (Professional).
Available in two versions, WS_FTP Home and WS_FTP Professional. $34.95 and $54.95 to register. WS_FTP LE, which was free for educational or governmental users, is no longer available through Ipswitch, although you may find copies elsewhere on the Web if you search for it.
- CoffeeCup Direct FTP. $34 to register.
- PowerFTP by CoolSoft. A multithread FTP client/server. Multiple simultaneous upload/download threads. Includes Personal FTP server for sharing your files over the Internet. $29.95.
- 32bit FTP. $19.99 to register.
- FTPPro by 1st Choice. Provides a Windows Explorer-type interface. Shareware.
- FTP Commander by InternetSoft. $29.95 (Pro) and $49.95 (Deluxe).
- SmartFTP. $36.95.
Telnet Software
- PuTTY: A Free Telnet/SSH Client. Free. Windows and Unix.
- Trumpet Telnet by Trumpet Software International. Download (ftp) it from ftp://papa.indstate.edu/winsock-l/telnet/trmptel.zip. Freeware. Windows.
- NetTerm by IntraSoft International, Inc. $29.95. Windows.
- UW Term by Brad Greer. Unsupported freeware telnet client. Download it from ftp://papa.indstate.edu/winsock-l/telnet/uwterm097g.zip. Windows.
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File Viewers and Managers
- Free Commander. An easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager. Windows.
- muCommander. A lightweight, cross-platform file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface and running on any operating system with Java support.
- Xfolders. Supplements the Finder with a Norton Commander-type interface. Macintosh (Mac OS X Tiger).
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File Compression/Decompression
- 7-Zip. Handles a wide range of compression formats. Free.
- WinZip by Nico Mak Computing, Inc. Uncompress ZIP, TAR, or virtually any other compressed file from the Web. $29.95.
- Stuffit Expander for Windows. File compression/decompression utility that can handle "stuffed" SIT files (which WinZip can't), as well as ZIP files. Free.
- Stuffit Expander (freeware) and Stuffit Standard by Alladin Systems. Stuffit Expander decompresses Stuffit, Zip, Compact Pro, BinHex, and MacBinary files. Stuffit Standard both expands and compresses files, and is $49.99 to register. Stuffit Deluxe is $79.99 to register.
- iZip. Manage ZIP, ZIPX, RAR, TAR, 7ZIP and other compressed files. Free.
- Info-ZIP. an extraction utility for archives compressed in .zip format. Free.
- ZipIt. Creates and expands ZIP archives compatible with PKZip. $20 to register.
- MacZip. Another Mac ZIP/UNZIP utility. Free.
- 7-Zip. Open source file compression software. Packs and unpacks 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, and TAR. Unpacks RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, and NSIS. Uncompress ZIP, TAR, or virtually any other compressed file from the Web. Windows, Linux, Macintosh.
- PKZip by PKWare. $29. Windows, Linux.
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- Online UUEncoder/UUDecoder. Online (cross-platform) utility that Encodes and decodes UUENCODED files. Free.
- Wincode. Encodes and decodes UUENCODED files. Win 3.1. Free.
- HJ Split. Freeware multi-platform file splitters/joiners. Windows, Linux, Macintosh, Java.
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