Programming on the Web
These are links to Internet programming resources and information on the Web.
Client-Side Scripting
JavaScript, ECMAScript, and JScript
VBScript is a proprietary client-side scripting language developed by Microsoft.
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is the means for Web servers to integrate sever-side scripting and programming languages. The most common server-side language accessed by CGI is Perl.
CGI Script Repositories
-'s Free Downloads -- Download and use any of the scripts/applications for free.
- Matt's Script Archive by Matt Wright. A big repository of CGI scripts that are free for non-commercial use.
- CGI Scripts from A collection of several useful free-to-use CGI-Script applications written in Perl 5. Also includes an affordable multipart form processing application (for a little extra, they'll even install it for you on your server).
- ScriptSearch: The World's Largest Script Archive. Get access to over 5,000 scripts. You can also list your own scripts, as well as discuss scripts in the Script Search Forum.
- The CGI Resource Index. Includes links to over 4,000 CGI-related resources in over 200 categories.
- FreeScripts. Free CGI scripts written in Perl.
Client-Side Programming - Java, ActiveX, and More
Java is a client-side programming language introduced by Sun MicroSystems.
- Java Zone from
- Brewing Java: A Tutorial by Elliotte Rusty Harold.
- The Java Tutorials by Sun Microsystems, the inventors of Java.
- NetBeans: The Cross-Platform Java IDE. An object oriented, visual programming environment written in Java, and based entirely on JavaBeans components and Swing.
Java Applet Repositories
ActiveX is a client-side programming language developed by Microsoft.
Other Scripting/Programming Languages & Application Frameworks
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Online Databases
Misc. Scripting/Programming Resources
- The know-how behind the application. Links to "zones": .NET, Java, C++, Web Dev, Database, Security, Open Source, XML, VB, ASP/ASP.NET, Enterprise, and Wireless Mobile.
- Server Side Includes by Mark West.
- Server Side Include Page (SSI) at
- Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies by Netscape. Server side connections (such as CGI scripts) can use cookies to both store and retrieve information on the client side of the connection.
- So, You Want A Cookie, Huh? by Joe Burns.
- Firebug. Integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
- Free Cross-Platform Programming Tools. Free cross-platform/multi-platform compilers, GUI frameworks, libraries, interpreters, and databases.
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