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Books by Friedrich Nietzsche

As time goes by, I'll be listing here, along with links to, philosophy books that I've personally found to be of particular interest and value.

The Portable Nietzsche, edited and translated by Walter Kaufmann$11.90
(30% off)
Description: Along with the Basic Writings (see below), one of the two collections of English translations of Nietzsche's writings that every serious Nietzsche reader should have. The main works included in this collection are: Thus Spake Zarathustra, Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, and Nietzsche Contra Wagner. Also are included notes, letters, and selections from other works.
The Basic Writings of Nietzsche by Walter Kaufmann (editor)$16.97
(32% off)
Description: The other collection of Nietzsche's writings that every serious Nietzsche reader should have. The main works included in this collection are: The Birth of Tragedy, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, and Ecce Homo. Also included is a selection of 75 aphorisms from various volumes.
The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann$9.60
(20% off)
Description: Perhaps because it isn't included in either The Portable Nietzsche or The Basic Writings of Nietzsche, The Gay Science doesn't always get credit for being one of Nietzsche's greatest works. I would venture that you can't possibly begin to understand Nietzsche if you haven't read The Gay Science! It is also a marvelous read, perhaps Nietzsche's most sparkling and sprightly book.
Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by R. J. Hollingdale.$15.12
(16% off)
Description: This book was written during the period of Nietzsche's friendship with Lou Salome and Paul Ree, and sealed his break-up with Richard and Cosima Wagner. It, along with Daybreak, forms the "middle period" of Nietzsche's career, and marks Nietzsche's turn against Romanticism and toward Realism. This translation includes both volumes of Human, All Too Human (the second volume includes "Assorted Opinions and Maxims" and "The Wanderer and His Shadow").
Untimely Meditations by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by R. J. Hollingdale$13.60
(15% off)
Description: This book, published following Nietzsche's first work, The Birth of Tragedy, is a collection of four essays, "David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer," "On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life," "Schopenhauer as Educator," and "Richard Wagner in Bayreuth." In these essays, Nietzsche is far from purely adulatory toward his most important philosophical influence (Schopenhauer) or artistic/aesthetic influence (Wagner), but in many ways is already in the throes of breaking away. All in all, a fascinating read for those who want to plumb Nietzsche's seminal depths.
The Will to Power by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale$11.20
(30% off)
Description: Although Nietzsche had plans to write a book called The Will to Power before madness overtook him, this isn't it. It is actually a compilation of fragments from his notebooks that were compiled under the supervision of his sister, Elizabeth. Still, for the lay reader, it is the best look available into the Nietzschean workshop, and full of lots of fascinating stuff. Care should be taken, however, in jumping to conclusions based soley on material that Nietzsche never published and which are not supported (or which are contradicted) by his published writings.
Writings from the Late Notebooks by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Kate Sturge, edited by Rudiger Bittner$15.12
(16% off)
Description: Translations of a selection of writings from Nietzsche's late notebooks, dating from his last productive years between 1885 and 1889, based on Karl Schlechta's version of the 1880s Nachlass, from the three-volume Colli-Montinari edition. A must get for anyone with a serious interest in what Nietszche thought and why he thought it.
Unpublished Writings from the Period of Unfashionable Observations by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Richard T. Gray$17.65
(32% off)
Description: A window into the formative process behind many of Nietzsche's most significant insights -- the period of the Untimely Meditations ("Unfashionable Observations" doesn't get the same kind of attention from scholars and readers as his post-Zarathustra writings, but is essential for anyone who wants to understand the roots and origins of Nietzsche's thinking.
Philosophy in the Tragic Era of the Greeks by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by Marianne Cowan$9.95
Description: An early unfinished manuscript that provides Nietzsche's explorations into the thinking of the pre-Socratics, Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Anaxagoras. Some of Nietzsche's clearest and most lucid writings and of interest to both those interested in Nietzsche and those interested in early Greek philosophy.
Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche by Christopher Middleton (editor)$18.95
Description: Nietzsche was a prolific letter writer, so reading his letters can be an excellent way to get an angle on who the man was, and not just the philosopher.
Werke in drei Bänden by Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Schlecta (editor)DM 29,90
EUR 15,29
Description: A three-volume set of Nietzsche's works in the original German. If you really want to get serious about studying Nietzsche, then you've got to have a German edition of his works, along with a good German dictionary and grammer. I've got a two-volume version of this same edition (Werke in zwei Bänden) -- it includes almost all of Nietzsche's major works, except for Daybreak and The Wanderer and His Shadow (may be included in the three-volume set, however). The link above is to the site and the price is stated in German Marks and Euros. At the current exchange rate (DM 1/US$0.497567), DM 29,90 = $14.88. You'll have to figure out the ordering and shipping details.
Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden by Friedrich Nietzsche (Colli and Montinari, editors)DM 198,00
EUR 101,24
Description: Now, if you really want to get extremely serious, this is a 15-volume German "student edition" of Nietzsche's complete works. At the current exchange rate (DM 1/$0.497567), DM 198,00 = $98.52. You'll have to figure out the ordering and shipping details.

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Steve Callihan
Last Updated: March 7, 2000